Engagement Sessions

Roxanne + Jon: Engagement Session

"When people ask us about our story, we can never explain it. We lived in different cities, met each other at a handful of church functions, but never acknowledged each other. When I became friends with his sister, I acknowledged him even less than my usual un-acknowledgement. Jon was just that awkward brother. To say romance was nonexistent would be an understatement. One fine day Jon, started messaging me on AIM (when AIM was cool). I was sort of offended, but I was curious to see where this friendship would go. Eventually our friendship developed and it became this unspoken thing that we mutually decided that we definitely liked each other as people.

After college I landed a job in San Jose, close to where Jon lives. We had this beautiful friendship that blossomed over years, and it just made sense for us to be together. He finally asked me if I wanted to hang out, so I said yes (with hesitance) and proceeded to invited his sister. Right after that "date," he asked me out on another date. I figured he wanted to be alone this time. He took me to this Moroccan place downtown. He didn't mean for it to be romantic, but when we entered the restaurant, the restaurant just screamed romance!!! It was dimly lit and there was this weird guy on the keyboard playing some electrojazz. That was my first and only candlelit dinner. Jon was embarrassed. I loved/hated it, but it was then that we both knew this was love.

It's been 3 years since then and we've been inseparable ever since. We had a hard time telling our friends/family that we were into each other. Some were thrilled, some were displeased, but at the end we know God brought us together. Our story has been a journey. It's been a puzzle trying to figure each other out, but at the same time it has been the greatest luxury— to love someone so much and for that person to be committed to loving you in return.

These days we drink lots of tea and coffee and try to watch as much foreign film (especially Indian movies) as we can. When we're not watching Netflix, we dream up plans about moving abroad to Australia. So this is us, Jon and Roxanne. " - Roxanne


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To see more check out their full session here.